

The multicultural memory clinic

Lazaar, N., van Beek. S.E., Rirash, A.F.,  Papma, J.M., Perales-Puchalt J., Shaw, A.R., Vidoni, E.D., & Franzen, S. (in press) Diversity in United States dementia prevention trials: An updated systematic review of eligibility criteria and recruitment strategies. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. doi: 10.1159/000543905

Bourdage, R., Franzen, S., Palisson, J., Maillet, D., Belin, C., Joly, C., Papma, J., Garcin, B., & Narme, P. (in press) The TIE-93: a facial emotion recognition test adapted for culturally, linguistically and educationally diverse Alzheimer’s dementia patients in France. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.

Nielsen, T.R., Jorgensen, K., Canevelli, M., Pomati, S., Delgado Alvarez, A., Franzen, S., Lozano-Ruiz, A., Ozden, M., Palisson, J., Mukadam, N., & Waldemar, G. (in press). Validation of the Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition and Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition Questionnaire in a multicultural memory clinic sample across six European countries. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Nuytemans, K.*, Franzen, S.*, Broce, I., Caramelli, P., Ellajosyula, R., Finger, E., Gupta, V., Gupta, V., Illán-Gala, I., Loi, S.M., Morhardt, D., Pijnenburg, Y., Rascovsky, K., Williams, M.M., Yokoyama, J., Acosta-Uribe, J., Akinyemi, R., Alladi, S., Ayele, B.A., Ayhan, Y., Bourdage, R., Castro-Suarez, S., Cruz de Souza, L., Dacks, P.A., de Boer, S.C.M., de Leon, J., Dodge, S., Grasso, S., Ghoshal, N., Kamath, V., Kumfor, F., Matias-Guiu, J.A., Narme, P., Nielsen, T.R., Okhuevbie, D., Piña-Escudero, S.D., Ruiz Garcia, R., Ryan, B., Scarioni, M., Slachevsky, A., Suarez-Gonzalez, A., Tee, B.L., Tsoy, E., Ulugut, H., Onyike, C.U., & Babulal, G.M., for the ISTAART FTD PIA and ISTAART Diversity and Disparities PIA. (2024). Gaps in biomedical research in frontotemporal dementia: A call for diversity and disparities focused research. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 20(12) 9014-9036. doi: 10.1002/alz.14312

Mitchell, A. K., Ehrenkranz, R., Franzen, S., Han, S. H., Shakur, M., McGowan, M., & Massett, H. A. (2024). Analysis of eligibility criteria in Alzheimer’s and related dementias clinical trials. Scientific reports, 14(1), 15036. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-65767-x

Nielsen, T. R., Franzen, S., Watermeyer, T., Jiang, J., Calia, C., Kjærgaard, D., Bothe, S., & Mukadam, N. (2024). Interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment: Clinical considerations and recommendations from the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 38(8), 1775-1805. doi:10.1080/13854046.2024.2335113

Staios, M., Franzen, S., & Woodard, J.L. (2023) Introduction to the special issue on cross-cultural neuropsychology. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 29, 907-910. doi:10.1017/S1355617723000681

Franzen, S., Papma, J.M., & van den Berg, E. (2023) Culturele verschillen bij diagnostiek. GZ Psychologie, 20-23.

Bourdage, R., Narme, P., Papma, J.M., Neeskens, R., & Franzen, S. An evaluation of cross-cultural adaptations of social cognition testing: A systematic review. Neuropsychology Review . Epub ahead of publication. doi:10.1007/s11065-023-09616-0

Franzen, S.*, Nuytemans, K.*, Bourdage, R., Caramelli, P., Ellajosyula, R., Finger, E., Illán-Gala, I. Loi, S.M., Morhardt, D., Pijnenburg, Y., Rascovsky, K., Williams, M.M., Yokoyama, J., Alladi, S., Ayhan, Y., Broce, I. Castro-Suarez, S., Coleman, K., Cruz de Souza, L., Dacks, P.A., de Boer, S.C.M., de Leon, J., Dodge, S., Grasso, S., Gupta, V., Gupta, V., Ghoshal, N., Kamath, V., Kumfor, F., Matias-Guiu, J.A., Narme, P., Nielsen, T.R., Okhuevbie, D., Piña-Escudero, S.D., Ruiz Garcia, R., Scarioni, M., Slachevsky, A., Suarez-Gonzalez, A., Tee, B.L., Tsoy, E., Ulugut, H., Babulal, G.M., & Onyike, C.U. for the ISTAART FTD PIA and ISTAART Diversity and Disparities PIA. (2023) Gaps in clinical research in frontotemporal dementia: A call for diversity and disparities focused research. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 19(12), 5817-5836. doi:10.1002/alz.13129

Wiese, L. Gibson, A. Guest, M.A., Nelson, A.R. Nelson, Weaver, R.H., Gupta, A., Carmichael, O., Lewis, J.P., Lindauer, A., Loi, S.M., Peterson, R., Rhodus, E., Wong, C., Zuelsdorff, M., Ghazi Saidi, L., Valdivieso, E., Franzen, S., Pope, C.N., Killian, T., Shrestha, H.L., Heyn, P., Kheng Siang, N., Prusaczyk, B., John, S., Kulshreshtha, A., Sheffler, J.L., Tolea, M.I., Musyimi, C., Corkey, J., Miller, J., Yank, V., Rahemi, Z., Park, JY., Magzamen, S., Daniels, E.V., Newton, R., Harrington, C., Besser, L., Flatt, J., Williams, C.L., Walter, S., Griffin, P., Babulal, G.M. (2023). Global rural health disparities in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias: State of the science. Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Epub ahead of publication. doi:10.1002/alz.13104

Franzen, S., van den Berg, E., Ayhan, Y., Satoer, D.D., Türkoğlu, Ö., Genç Akpulat, E., Visch-Brink, E.G., Scheffers, E.A., Kranenburg, J., Jiskoot, L.C., van Hemmen, J., & Papma, J.M. (2023) The Naming Assessment in Multicultural Europe (NAME): Development and validation in a multicultural memory clinic. The Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 29(1), 92-104. doi:10.1017/S135561772100148X

Franzen, S., van den Berg, E., Bossenbroek, W., Kranenburg, J., Scheffers, E.A., van Hout, M., van de Wiel, L., Goudsmit, M., van Bruchem-Visser, R.L., van Hemmen, J., Jiskoot, L., & Papma, J. (2023) Neuropsychological assessment in the multicultural memory clinic: development and feasibility of the TULIPA battery. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 37(1), 60-80. doi:10.1080/13854046.2022.2043447

Mielke, M.M. Aggarwal, N.T. , Vila-Castelar, C., Agarwal, P., Arenaza-Urquijo, E.M., Brett, B., Brugulat-Serrat, A., DuBose, L.E., Eikelboom, W.S., Flatt, J., Foldi, N.S., Franzen, S., Gilsanz, P., Li, W., McManus, A.J., Melo van Lent, D. Milani, S.A., Shaaban, C.E., Stites, S.D., Sundermann, E., Suryadevara, V.., Trani, J.-F., Turner, A.D., Vonk, J.M.J., Quiroz, Y.T., & Babulal, G.M. for the Diversity and Disparity Professional Interest Area Sex and Gender Special Interest Group (2022). Consideration of sex and gender in Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders from a global perspective. Alzheimers &  Dementia. Advance online publication. doi:10.1002/alz.12662

Babulal, G.M., Franzen, S., Abner, E., Smith, J.E., van den Berg, E., Rivera Mindt, M., van Bruchem-Visser, R.L., Schneider, L.S., Prins, N.D., & Papma, J.M. (2022) Diversity in Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Trials: Reflections on Reporting and Social Construction of Race. Alzheimers &  Dementia, 18(4), 867-868. doi:10.1002/alz.12611

Franzen, S., Smith, J.E., van den Berg, E., Rivera Mindt, M., van Bruchem-Visser, R.L., Abner, E., Schneider, L.S., Prins, N.D., Babulal, G.M., & Papma, J.M. (2022) Diversity in Alzheimer’s Disease drug trials: The importance of eligibility criteria. Alzheimers &  Dementia, 18(4), 810-823. doi:10.1002/alz.12433

Franzen, S. on behalf of the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (2022) Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in Europe: position statement of the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 36(3), 546-557. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2021.1981456

Franzen, S., Eikelboom, W.S., van den Berg, E., Jiskoot, L.C., van Hemmen, J., & Papma, J.M. (2021) Caregiver burden in a culturally diverse memory clinic population: the Caregiver Strain Index-Expanded. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 50(4), 333-340. doi:10.1159/000519617

Franzen, S., van den Berg, E., & Papma, J.M. (2021) Cross-culturele neuropsychologisch diagnostiek bij volwassenen en ouderen op de geheugenpoli [Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment of adult and elderly memory clinic patients]. Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 16(1), 14-28.

Franzen, S., Papma, J.M., van den Berg, E., & Nielsen, T.R.  (2021) Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in the European Union: A Delphi expert study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 36(5), 815-830.

Goudsmit, M., van Campen, J.P.C.M., Franzen, S. van den Berg, E., Schilt, T. & Schmand, B. (2021) Dementia detection with a combination of informant-based and performance-based measures in low-educated and illiterate elderly migrants. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(3), 660-678. doi:10.1080/13854046.2020.1711967.

Franzen, S., van den Berg, E., Goudsmit, M., Jurgens, C.K., van de Wiel, L., Kalkisim, Y., Uysal-Bozkir, Ö., Ayhan, Y., Nielsen, T.R., & Papma, J.M. (2020) A systematic review of neuropsychological tests for the assessment of dementia in non-Western, low-educated or illiterate populations. JINS:  Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society , 26(3), 331-351. doi:10.1017/S1355617719000894.

Franzen, S., van den Berg, E., Kalkisim, Y., van de Wiel, L., Harkes, M., van Bruchem-Visser, R.L., de Jong, F.J., Jiskoot, L.C., & Papma, J.M. (2019) Assessment of visual association memory in low-educated, non-Western immigrants with the modified Visual Association Test. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 47(4-6), 345-354. doi: 10.1159/000501151.

Goudsmit, M., van Campen, J., Schilt, T., Hinnen, C., Franzen, S. & Schmand, B. (2018) One size does not fit all: comparative diagnostic accuracy of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale and the Mini Mental State Examination in a very low educated multicultural memory clinic population. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 8(2), 290-305.

Franzen, S., van den Berg. E. & Papma, J.M. (2018). Neuropsychologische diagnostiek bij niet-Westerse migranten [Neuropsychological assessment in non-Western immigrants]. Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 13(1), 59-67.

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van den Berg, E., Dijkzeul, J. C. M., Poos, J. M., Eikelboom, W. S., van Hemmen, J., Franzen, S., de Jong, F. J., Dopper, E. G. P., Vonk, J. M. J., Papma, J. M., Satoer, D., Jiskoot, L. C., & Seelaar, H. (2024). Differential linguistic features of verbal fluency in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia. Applied neuropsychology. Adult, 31(4), 669–677. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2022.2060748

Jiskoot, L.C., van den Berg, E. , Vollebergh, H. , de Haan, R., de Boer, L., Poos, J.M. , Franzen, S., van Hemmen, J. & Seelaar, H. (2024). Occupational differences in a Dutch sample of patients with primary progressive aphasia, behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, and Alzheimer’s dementia. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. Advance online publication.

Jiskoot, L. C., Poos, J. M., van Boven, K., de Boer, L., Giannini, L. A. A., Satoer, D. D., Visch-Brink, E. G., van Hemmen, J., Franzen, S., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., van den Berg, E., & Seelaar, H. (2023). The ScreeLing: Detecting Semantic, Phonological, and Syntactic Deficits in the Clinical Subtypes of Frontotemporal and Alzheimer’s Dementia. Assessment, 10731911231154512. Advance online publication.

Eikelboom, W.S., den Teuling, A., Pol, D.E., Coesmans, M., Franzen, S., Jiskoot, L.C., van Hemmen, J., Singleton, E.H., Ossenkoppele, R., de Jong, F.J., van den Berg, E., & Papma, J.M. (2022) Biweekly fluctuations of neuropsychiatric symptoms according to the Neuropsychiatric Inventory: Erratic symptoms or scores? International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37(7). doi: 10.1002/gps.5770.

Poos, J.M., van den Berg, E., Visch-Brink, E., Eikelboom, W.S., Franzen, S., van Hemmen, J., Pijnenburg, Y., Satoer, D., Dopper, E., van Swieten, J.C., Papma, J.M., Seelaar, H., & Jiskoot, L.C. (2021) Exploring abstract semantic associations in the frontotemporal dementia spectrum in a Dutch population. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.

van den Berg, E. Poos, J.M., Jiskoot, L.C., Montagne, B., Kessels, R.P.C., Franzen, S., van Hemmen, J., Eikelboom, W.S., Heijboer, E., de Kriek, J., van der Vlist, A., van Swieten, J.C., Seelaar, H. , & Papma, J.M. (2021) Impaired Knowledge of Social Norms in Dementia and Psychiatric Disorders: Validation of the Social Norms Questionnaire-Dutch Version (SNQ-NL). Assessment.

Jiskoot, L.C., Poos, J.M., Vollebergh, M.E., Franzen, S., van Hemmen, J., Papma, J.M., van Swieten, J.C., Kessels, P.C., & van den Berg, E. (2021) Emotion recognition of morphed facial expressions in presymptomatic and symptomatic frontotemporal dementia, and Alzheimer’s dementia. Journal of Neurology, 268(1), 102-113. doi:10.1007/s00415-020-10096-y.

van den Berg, E., Poos, J.M., Jiskoot, L.C., Heijnen, L.M., Franzen, S., Steketee, R.M.E., Meijboom, R., de Jong, F.J., Seelaar, H., van Swieten, J.C., & Papma, J.M. (2020) Differences in discriminability and response bias on RAVLT delayed recognition in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. JINS: Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26(9), 918-926. doi:10.1017/S1355617720000375.

van den Berg, E., Franzen, S., van Hemmen, J., Poos, J.M., & Jiskoot, L.C. (2020) Opinie: Diagnostische dilemma’s in de neuropsychologische diagnostiek bij gedragsvariant frontotemporale dementie. [Opinion piece: diagnostic dilemmas in the neuropsychological assessment of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia] Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 15(1), 1-18.

Jiskoot, L.C., Panman, J.L., Meeter, H.H., Dopper, E.G.P., Donker Kaat, L., Franzen, S., van der Ende, E.L., van Minkelen, R., Rombouts, S.A.R.B., Papma, J.M., & van Swieten, J.C. (2019) Longitudinal multimodal MRI as a prognostic and diagnostic biomarker in presymptomatic familial frontotemporal dementia. Brain, 142(1), 193-208.

Jiskoot, L.C., Panman, J.L., van Asseldonk, L., Franzen, S., Meeter, H.H., Donker Kaat, L., van der Ende, E.L., Dopper, E.G.P., Rimman, R., van Minkelen, R., van Swieten, J.C., van den Berg, E., & Papma, J.M. (2018) Longitudinal cognitive biomarkers predicting symptom onset in presymptomatic frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurology, 265(6), 1381-1392.

Meeter, H.H., Gendron, T.F., Sias, A.C., Jiskoot, L.C., Russo, S.P., Donker Kaat, L., Papma, J.M., Panman, J.L., van der Ende, E.L., Dopper, E.G., Franzen, S., Graff, C., Boxer, A.L., Rosen, H.J., Sanchez-Valle, R., Galimberti, D., Pijnenburg, Y.A.L., Benussi, L., Ghidoni, R., Borroni, B., Laforce, R., del Campo, M., Teunissen, C.E., van Minkelen, R., Rojas, J.C., Coppola, G., Geschwind, D.H., Rademakers, R., Karydas, A.M., Öijerstadt, L., Scarpini, E., Binetti, G., Padovani, A., Cash, D.M., Dick, K.M., Bocchetta, M., Miller, B.L., Rohrer, J.D., Petrucelli, L., van Swieten, J.C., & Lee, S.E. (2018) Poly(GP), neurofilament and grey matter deficits in C9orf72 expansion carriers. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 5(5), 583-597.