In late 2019, the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN) was formed. ECCroN aims to improve the assessment of culturally, educationally, and linguistically diverse individuals across Europe by 1) collaborating on the validation and implementation of cross-cultural neuropsychological tests and 2) working on initiatives geared at improving interpreter use and training programs for neuropsychologists. The consortium has published a position paper which can be read open access here. We have also published a paper with recommendations on conducting interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment, which can be accessed for free as well through this link.

The consortium is always looking to expand by including new members in the form of professionals working with diverse populations in Europe in clinical practice or in research. Interested in finding out more about this consortium or in becoming a member or collaborator? Please contact me through the Contact Form on this website.